Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Love is the Law!

I'm happy to announce that the state I am a citizen of is now one of the 12 states in the US that has legalized same sex marriage!
I was all about voting No in November when they were trying to amend the constitution so that marriage would be defined as One Man One Woman.
I was proud that Minnesota was the first state to overturn such and act and then 6 months later passed a bill to legalize same sex marriage!
People gathered at the state capitol in Saint Paul. Photo courtesy of TJ Dubovich.
I have never been so proud to be a Minnesotan! Yesterday after Gov. Dayton signed the bill, My friends and I went downtown Saint Paul where there was a huge party all over celebrating love!

Also- I work downtown and I've never been surrounded by SO many polite people all at once! Everyone just wanted to spread love and it was beautiful!

People try to say that being gay is something that God hates- but how come that night felt just exactly like what I've always imagined heaven to be like?

This is something called progress you guys! We're one step closer to equality for all and I'm proud that my home is a place that promotes love for all :)

My friends and I on the lawn of the Capitol about to head downtown

One of my good buddies that I've known since high school. We were matching and had to take a picture.

Carrying my roommate home after the party. We were all burnt out!

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